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About  Me

Hey there, I'm Jillian Abad, the face behind the canvas and the mind weaving the visual tales. Picture this – I kicked off my journey with a business degree, navigating the corporate waves, but deep down, my heart always beat for art. It wasn't long before I decided to flip the script and turn my love for creativity into a sideline business. So, here I am, blending the structured world of business with the limitless realms of imagination. From penning down business plans to sketching vibrant digital designs, my creations are the fusion of my academic roots and artistic vibes. Join me in this adventure where art meets commerce, and let's paint a story together!

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My Story

I'm Jillian Abad, and let me share a bit about my journey. I found myself in the call center hustle at 19, hustling through my college years until I snagged that business degree in 2021. But, here's the twist: the 9-to-5 routine just didn't spark joy. That's when I decided to revisit a childhood passion that never really left me – art.

So, I took a leap of faith, bid farewell to the call center humdrum, and dived headfirst into the world of digital art. I started creating pieces that reflected not just my skills but the stories I wanted to tell. Fast forward to today, and I'm here, turning that passion into a full-fledged side hustle. Selling my artworks online isn't just about making ends meet; it's about making a statement – chasing dreams is a full-time gig.

This journey is more than just a pivot; it's a rediscovery of what truly lights me up. From cosmic wonders to vibrant expressions, each piece is a reflection of the passion that fuels this adventure. So, buckle up for a ride through my artistic universe, where every stroke isn't just about creating; it's about living my passion. Thanks for joining me on this colorful ride!


I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.


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