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Thin Privileges

“Nothing taste good as being thin feels"

I follow up with a discussion of the benefits to being thin. My hope is that seeing the positive side of the ledger will motivate people to change their diets, embark on exercise programs, and lose weight.

Here are some of the privileges of being thin:

1. Breathing is easy

Most thin people don’t worry about breathing. If they exercise regularly, they don’t even breathe hard when engaging in physical activity. A low-fat-content body allows for free expansion of the rib cage and leaves space for the diaphragm to move downward as it should. In addition, the lungs are clear of fat, and that allows a free exchange of oxygen. Trim folks breathe easier metaphorically as well, because they are less likely to be concerned about health issues.

2. Walking is effortless

Many slim people are avid runners and walkers. Being light permits fluid movement, and joints don’t take much pounding. Maintaining a low-fat diet helps avoid chronic ailments like osteoarthritis, which can dramatically affect walking. Walking is a freeing and healthful activity, and being able to do it well enhances the quality of life.

3. You are more agile

Slender individuals are able to perform many tasks easily, like file their toenails, tie their shoes, or put on their socks while standing up. Maintaining a small midsection makes stooping and bending much easier and permits involvement in activities that make the appearance of a pot gut is less likely.

4. Heart disease is less common

Leanness relieves pressure on the heart, lungs, and other internal organs. Trim folks have fewer incidences of heart disease and strokes than their overweight contemporaries. Shedding pounds results in a healthier body and a happier life.

5. Premature death is less likely

That lighter people live longer is well documented. Arguments to the contrary do exist, though, so I’ll leave it to you to decide whom to believe. Anyone who has visited an assisted-living facility knows that thin folks predominate there. At that point, the rotund individuals have passed on.

6. Back pain is uncommon

Few slender people suffer from chronic back pain. Losing weight relieves stress on the back muscles, and the result is pain-free movement. And when thin people do injure their backs, their recovery times are markedly less.

7. Organs remain stone-free

Being thin helps you avoid many painful experiences, including kidney and gall stones. With a proper diet, such dolorous moments are avoidable. A balanced regime of raw vegetables, fibrous fruits, lean poultry, omega-3-rich fish, low-fat dairy, low-or-no-sugar choices, caffeine-free coffee and chocolate, and pure water will keep you stone free. (Adding turmeric and dandelion root to your shopping list also won’t hurt!)

8. Helps relieve depression

For the most part, thin people feel physically good, and that helps them resist depression. Sure, depression and anxiety attack people indiscriminately, but slim folks aren’t forced to deal so directly with social rejection, job discrimination, feeling unattractive, and the other burdens of being overweight. Having a stable body chemistry contributes to warding off depression, and being as attractive as you can be supports depression resistance as well.

9. Diabetes is the exception rather than the rule

Wholesome food, consistent exercise, and moderate thinness all lower the chances of getting diabetes. An epidemic of type-2 diabetes is underway in the United States, and experts expect it to worsen. I know a couple of dozen diabetics, and only one of them is thin. Being thin dramatically reduces the risk of contracting diabetes and makes living with the disease less complicated.

10. Clothing fits

Thin people find clothing that fits them right on the rack, and they look great in it. Some retailers have added clothing lines for large men and women, but most of them produce apparel for folks with mainstream bodies. Being thin also pays off financially, because you are better able to take advantage of sales and avoid special tailoring.

11. The opposite sex seeks your company

Many people prefer pairing up with someone thin. A few men and women prefer heavyset partners, but most seek potential mates with physical characteristics that fit more standard notions of attractiveness, namely, the slenderer versions.

12. You command respect

Maintaining self-respect and enjoying the respect of others go hand in hand. When your physical appearance places you firmly in the norm of mainstream society, finding and keeping friends is easier. Having strong self-esteem is attractive, and others want to share in it.

13. You gain acceptance in the workplace

Many employers tend to hire attractive people to work for them. Right or wrong, physical appearance weighs heavily in their hiring decisions. Most people look better thin, and enterprising bosses want the sharpest-looking, fastest-moving crew they can find.

14. Meeting and keeping friends is easy

People tend to befriend folks that they are pleased to introduce to others. Eventually, this may change, but until it does, the reality is that making friends is easier when you’re thin.

15. You fit into seats of airplanes, theaters, and cars

Most of us take for granted that we will be able to use public transportation, ride in automobiles, and sit in theaters without much fuss. Thin folks don’t have to think about whether they can do these things or worry about inconveniencing those around them in the process.

16. Your feet remain healthy

Feet break down for many reasons, but being overweight is the principal one. Thin people suffer far less from such problems than heavier ones, and the bones and cartilage in their feet last longer. Relieving the feet of extra weight renders pain-free movement and helps prevent the breakdown of arches.

17. You have no double chin

For the most part, thinner folks’ jowls are less fleshy. When you lose weight, usually the double chin is the last thing to go. To make it disappear, you have to lose all of the excess pounds. Your chin is the first place to receive extra weight and last one to lose it.

18. Knee and hip replacements are less likely

Every year, thousands of individuals seek hip and knee replacements, and only a few of them are thin. Being trim relieves the joints that support the body, obviating such operations.

19. Body odor decreases

Thin people don’t necessarily have less body odor than anyone else, but they perspire less and lack the folds of skin that decrease air flow around the body. Thus, they tend to have less body odor. In addition, thin people are energetic and may be more inclined to bathe and change clothes as often as is necessary to eliminate odors.

20. Life quality is better

When you are thin, people respond to you more positively, illnesses are infrequent, getting around is effortless, you look better, and you have more energy. Life quality is a compilation of all of the other points on this list, and along with happiness, is what we all seek.

Many other advantages exist to being thin. If you allow your imagination to run, you can easily come up with scads of activities that are difficult for overweight folks and easy for thin ones. Overweight people are traumatized in multiple physical and emotional ways, and their slender counterparts remain relatively free of such problems.

Losing weight and being thin are keys to maintaining a healthy body and a healthful existence. When your body is in balance, everything improves, including relationships, participation in sports, wellness, and self-esteem. Nothing changes a life so much as embarking on a path of sound diet and consistent exercise. Get thin, and enjoy yourself like never before!

"Create a vision of who you want to be and then live in to that picture as if it’s already true"- Arnold

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Hi! I'm Jill, a passionate business enthusiast, lifestyle and travel writer, and best-selling author. I've dedicated my career to teaching people how to travel on a budget.

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